[其他] 初中一等优质课Friendship分享——大家都在找的友谊主题课程!

Ike 发表于 2024-6-19 07:05:35|来自:重庆渝中区 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  • 授课教师:谢雨轩
  • 课型:阅读课
  • 题目:Friendship
  • 教材:自选素材


1. Warm-up and Lead-in
T: All right, my dear friends. Good morning!

问好互动环节,谢老师教态热情大方自然,并伴有肢体语言挥手。My dear friends.Good morning! 响应Friendship主题,细节处值得学习!

2. Pre-reading
Activity1:Guess a poem.
T: At the very beginningof the class,I'd like to share with you a really famous Chinese poem.And you are going to guess which poem it is. Are you ready?(诗歌朗诵字幕:I, Li Bai sit aboard a boat about to go, when suddenly on shore, your farewell song o’erflow. However deep the Lake of Peach blossoms may be, it is not so deep, O Wang Lun, as your love for me.)T: Which poem is it?Ss: Zeng Wanglun.T: Good job, so it’s about the friendship between......Who are they? Louder, please. Li Bai and......T: Li Bai and Du Fu? Yeah, Li Bai and Wang Lun, right. They are great friends.


Activity2:Answer the questions.
T: That's right. And how about you? Boys and girls,who is your best friend?Anybody want to share?Ss: Cai Mingxuan is my best friends.T: Why is she your best friend?Ss: Ah......because he can give me some feelings of happiness and the warms.

谢老师在Pre-reading激发学生阅读期待,由诗朗诵引出问题:Who is your best friend? Why is she your best friend?谢老师打造真实情境,挑选学生个人来进行互动,激发学生的学习兴趣,学生的思维被激活
3. While-reading
Activity 1: Detail-tracking
T: See here is, another pair of friends. Look at the picture,what are they doing? Who are they? And where are they?Let's read the passage and fine them out.Go.T: And everybody, Let’s have a look at the TV show. See, before singing,how did Jonathan feel?Louder, please.Ss: Worried.T: Great. Butwhy did he feel worried?Let's read paragraph 2 and find it out.Ss: Because the way he looked isn’t good.T: Yeah, the way he looked. He looked so fat. I prefer heavy because that's more polite. Sowhat did his best friend Charlotte do?Ss: He encouraged the Jonathan and they went to the show.

谢老师介绍共同参加唱歌真人秀节目的一对好朋友,通过设置与之相关的四个问题:What, Who, Where, 以及Why,因为是真实图片与视频形式,所以有效地激发了学生对文本的阅读兴趣为下个环节做铺垫

T: See Charlotte is so helpful.If you are Charlotte, what would you say to persuade encourage Jonathan?Now, let's work in pairs. One is Jonathan, the other is Charlotte, Let's have a role play.

基于对故事逻辑的理解和对日常生活中学生遇到此类问题的做法,小组合作讨论探讨 If you are Charlotte, what would you say to persuade encourage Jonathan? 并进行Role play。为学生营造“体验式课堂”,进行情境中人物的情感体验,并为后面情感升华部分做好铺垫
T: Buthow about other people on the show?Let's read paragraph 3and find out different reactions of them. Pay attention to the tense of the verbs.Ss: After singing, they stood up and clapped.T: Yeah, clapped. Great answer. Everyday, Let’s clap for him, clap. Great, your answer is so good. Can you act it out?Come to the front. And now, everybody, he is going to act it out and let’s read for him. Ready? Yeah, come here. See, before listening, the listeners laughed, right? Laughed. Is it laughing? Okay, and how about after? After listening, the listeners stood up and clapped. Good job. Thank you so much, you are a great actor. And how about the judges? How about the judges? Have try? You can speak now.Ss: They didn't think they looked good.T: But......Ss: But after singing, they think they were great,T: Yes, you a great as well. Andhow about Charlotte and Jonathan?Charlotte and Jonathan? Don't you try? Go.Ss: They are so nervous before singing.


Ss: They are so nervous before singing.T: They felt nervous, but......Ss: But he is good and he is fantastic after singing.T: Yeah, buthow did they feel?Ss: They feel great.T: Great. Great guess? And now everybody, Let's watch. and see how they felt after singing. Oh, by the way, if you think they sing so well, you can also clap for them. See.(视频唱歌表演)What do you think? So this is so well.How do they feel after singing?Really excited, that's it. So they sang so well, but what did one of the judges suggest? What do you think? What does...... Yes. Simon suggested that Jonathan singing on his own without Charlotte.Ss: Because although he was good, he was fantastic.T: Yes, that's right.What was Jonathan's answer?Everybody, Let's read paragraph 4 and find it out. OK, everybody, what was Jonathan's answer? He...... Have a try. you can speak now.Ss: He said that he wanted to stay in the competition with Charlotte, and they carried on togETHer.T: That's right. Let's watch and check. (视频字幕:We've come on here as a duo, and we're going to stay here as a duo. ) Will he sing without Charlotte? Without Charlotte? Yes or no ? No. So they will stay together.T:But did they win? No. I think the answer should be no and yes. Why? Let’s see.They failed the...... Louder, competition but they won......A true friend.Yes, the friendship, a true friend.

通过回答Judges、Charlotte 和Jonathan的不同反应,有利于学生掌握并理清情境发展的脉络和逻辑,并完成知识的输出。

谢老师通过对教材文本的深度挖掘和优秀整合,让学生感受情景背后的情感寄托与生活哲理:They failed the competition but they won a true friend. The friendship is true friend.
Activity2:Deeper meaning
T: And boys and girls,what makes true friends?Let's take paragraph 1as an example. the sentences in paragraph 1 can show.......Yes, and that is to say friends. Louder, please. Yes, I do agree. Have the same hobby or the same interest. Actually, everybody, this is a learning tip.It's really useful to read between the lines.T: And now it's your turn to read between the lines and find what else makes true friends. And the chart in your hands may help. Everybody, could you please show me your discussion mapping? Yeah, put it up. Let me have a look.

通过归纳、整合、深加工将已学知识中的重难点综合起来,在问题what makes true friends?回答中形成清晰、全面、系统的知识结构,促进学生对英语课文的记忆、理解、巩固和深化
Activity3:Further thinking
T: And boys and girls. Let's see, after the show, they made the CD.What’s name?Ss: Together.T: Together.What did they do together?Let's look at the passage in paragraph 1, they were in the same school, so they...... Louder, please.Ss: Study.T: Great, andwhat else do they do together?Anybody want to have a try? Sweetie, the girl, louder?Ss: Sing.T: Great, they sing together. What else?And now, you can discuss with your partners.T: Yes, stay together, stick together.And Let's have a look at the structure.See, they study together, sing together. So they share......Ss: Happiness.T: Yes, and they compete together, but fail together, so they share......Ss: Sadness together.T: Sadness together. They are really successful, so they share...... Louder, please.Ss: Success.T: Success together. Everybody, the title of the passage is missing, Which word do you think it should be?Louder together, you are right.

读后Further thinking环节,让学生通过文本分析、提炼,结合问题What did they do together?并利用每一段的关键词汇提示,思考:What are the structure and the title of the passage? 从这三个方面引导学生展开思维拓展,体现深度和宽度。

4. Post-reading
Step1.Read the letter
T: And actually, here is also a letter from Jonathan to Charlotte. Let's listen to the music and read the letter with emotion.(信件诵读字幕:Dear Charlotte, We went to the show and carried on together. You were the one who always encouraged me when I was afraid to go on the show. You are so loyai that I believe we will be friends forever. You are like an umbrella when it rains. )Yeah, thank you. See, carry on courage, loyal...... The language is so beautiful, “You are like an umbrella when it rains outside.” It's so creative, we all feel moved. It’s so lucky to have a friend like Charlotte, we are the same as well. When we study, when we compete, when we failed an exam or when we get hurt, there is always the one with us. That is our...... Louder. That is our......Ss: Friends.T: Yes, now we are going to graduate. Maybe it's time to say goodbye.

T: So, now, it's a great time. Everybody, Let's write award speech to our true friend. But pay attention, everybody. We should write with the emotion, we should use the great languages on the blackboard and be creative. You will have 3 minutes to do it. Go. Everybody, it's time. It's true friend award time.We can show our great love to our friends.Who does to be the first one? Oh, my gosh. How about the girl? Yes, coma here, the last one. Yes, come here. And everybody, if you hear your name, you can stand up.Dear my friends, I want to say......

信件朗读伴随着抒情音乐并结合日常生活中的真实场景,让学生有感而发,情感内化,为下个环节True friend award time做好铺垫

1. 深化语篇意识,提升思维品质:
2. 渗透阅读策略,搭建文本支架:
谢老师,通过Pre-reading走进语篇,While-reading深入语篇,Post-reading,向学生渗透阅读策略,环环相扣,步步稳扎,逐渐搭起语篇的文本框架。引导学生学习运用together,share, friendship等词串联起文本中的阅读活动,教会学生搭建文本支架,“授之以鱼,更要授之以渔”,为今后的高阶、深度学习夯实基础。
3. “教-学-评一体化”,融合深度学习:
树立素养导向的评价方式,坚持主体多元,形式多样的评价方式等有效策略,形成了自己的一套评价量规或量表。谢老师将激励性语言做为评价贯穿教学始终,如Thank you, sweetie、Good point、Good pronunciation, I love your voice. 等,引导学生参与课堂互动。
4. 从谢老师的教学设计当中,我们可以看出,谢老师采用了大单元整体设计的思路:

1. 重构引入,加强过渡。
2. 加强内化,指导迁移。
3. 增强开放性,鼓励创造性。

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