
Lungar 发表于 2024-6-15 14:35:23|来自:重庆渝中区 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Dong Mingzhu wants to carry out anchor selection nationwide.
On May 14th, Dong Mingzhu, Chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, started broadcasting in Zhang Qixin's commercial live broadcast room, with a live broadcast time of about 1 hour and nearly 2 million viewers. During the live broadcast, the two mentioned the "Gree Good Anchor" plan multiple times, stating that they want to carry out anchor selection activities nationwide. The top ten winners can attend the Chairman Dong Mingzhu's family banquet, where Dong Mingzhu will personally cook for everyone.
Image source: Video screenshot of Zhang Qixin's commercial live broadcast room on May 14th
Dong Mingzhu also responded to the phenomenon of entrepreneurs becoming internet celebrities, stating that she only stands at the front desk to allow consumers to contact the company when they have problems. Many consumers know her phone number and can directly contact her to solve the problem.
Image source: Video screenshot
According to Interface News, on May 10th, 2024, Dong Mingzhu delivered an important speech at the 10th China Brand Economy (Shanghai) Forum. Dong Mingzhu stated that creating a personal IP is not about purSuing internet celebrity effects, but rather hoping to convey a firm commitment to consumers through this. Dong Mingzhu emphasized that although some people believe that the trend of becoming an entrepreneur's internet celebrity began with her, her original intention was not to become an internet celebrity, but to directly establish contact with consumers, ensure that consumers feel at ease when purchasing and using products, and find corresponding support when they need to protect their rights.
In May 2023, the resignation of Meng Yutong, the secretary of Dong Mingzhu's internet celebrity, sparked heated discussions across the internet.
According to the "Caijing Langyan" program of Guangdong TV, on the evening of November 7, 2023, the second episode of the "Caijing Langyan" program invited Dong Mingzhu, Chairman of Zhuhai Gree Co., Ltd., to have a conversation with well-known financial media and columnist Zhang Chunwei, to find new ways to view the world togETHer.
Dong Mingzhu said that internet celebrities are not internet celebrities. I think it is still inseparable from your true quality, which has nothing to do with internet celebrities. Some people believe that using an internet celebrity to think they are valuable is the source of no origin.
Daily Economic News Comprehensive Guangdong TV's "Caijing Langyan" program, interface news, and public information
Daily Economic News

  • 选秀 Draft ; talent show ; NBA
  • 格力 GREE ; Green ; GLEE
  • 在全国范围内 nationwide
  • 家宴 family feast ; dinner party
  • 截图 to capture a screenshot ; screenshot ; screen capture
  • 有问题 have questions ; problematic ; questionable ; doubtful ; unreliable
  • 联系到 Contact ; get ahold of ; come into contact with
  • 电话号码 phone number ; telephone number
  • 直接联系 in direct contact
  • 解决问题 solve a problem ; problem-solving ; address an/the issue ; settle a dispute ; works out the
[According to Interface News], [on May 10th , 2024], Dong Mingzhu delivered an important speech [at the 10th China Brand Economy (Shanghai) Forum].
* 开头为祈使句。
* interface 为谓语。
* delivered 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
* the 为定冠词。an 为不定冠词。
according to 根据,据(某人)所述
news [nju:z] n. 1) 消息,音信 2) 新闻
deliver [di'livә] vt. 1) 递送, 传送 2) 发表, 宣布
important [im'pɔ:tәnt] a. 1) 重要的,有重大影响的,有巨大价值的 2) 影响很大的,权威的
speech [spi:tʃ] n. 1) 发言,演讲 2) 说话能力
China ['tʃainә] n. 中国
brand [brænd] n. 1) 品牌 2) 类型
economy [i'kɔnәmi] n. 1) 经济,经济状况 2) 经济体
Shanghai n. [中国省市] 上海
forum ['fɔ:rәm] n. 1) 论坛,公开讨论的场所 2) (古罗马)集会的公共场所
Dong Mingzhu stated | that creating a personal IP is not about pursuing internet celebrity effects, || but rather hoping to convey a firm commitment (to consumers) [through this].
* stated 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
* that 为连词,引导宾语从句。
* creating 为动名词,在句中作主语。
* is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。
* pursuing 为动名词,作介词宾语。
* but rather 引导状语从句。
* hoping 为现在分词。
* to convey 为不定式,作宾语。
* this 为指示代词。a 为不定冠词。
but rather (不是...)而是,相反
state [steit] vt. 1) 陈述,说明,声明 2) 规定,公布
create [kri:'eit] vt. 1) 创造,创作,创建 2) 造成,引起,产生(感觉或印象)
personal ['pә:snl] a. 1) 个人的,私人的 2) 人际的,个性的
about [ә'baut] prep. 1) 关于, 有关(...的) 2) 在...附近 3) 在...各处
pursue [pә'sju:] vt. 1) 追逐,跟踪,追赶 2) 追求,致力于,执行,贯彻
Internet n. 互联网,因特网
celebrity [si'lebrti] n. 1) 名人,名流 2) 名望,名誉,著名
effect [i'fekt] n. 1) 效果,影响,作用 2) (艺术家,作家创作想得到的)效果,印象
hope [hәup] vt. 希望,期望(某事发生)
convey [kәn'vei] vt. 1) 表达,传递(思想、感情等) 2) 传送,运送,输送
firm [fә:m] a. 1) 坚固的,坚硬的,结实的 2) 坚定的,确定的,坚决的
commitment [kә'mitmәnt] n. 1) 承诺,许诺,保证 2) 献身,奉献,投入
consumer [kәn'sju:mә] n. 消费者,顾客,用户
through [θru:] prep. 1) 借助,凭借,通过,经由 2) 从某物的一端到另一端, 穿透, 通过
this [θis] pron 这(个)



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