[大学] 【双语热点】“脆皮大学生” 健康的警示信号

ytmxkj 发表于 2023-11-8 10:22:15|来自:北京大兴 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

“脆皮大学生” 健康的警示信号

The buzzwords "brittle college students" have gone viral on the internet recently amid mounting concerns over a serious decline in the physical health of Chinese college students.

The relevant hashtag "brittle college students" has exploded on social media, with a slew of comments sharing experiences of college students subject to unexpected and hilarious injuries such as "I just stretched a bit but my neck got twisted", "I lay on my side to play with my phone but was diagnosed with strabismus", and "I twisted my ankle while dancing in the dorm."

The term refers to the new generation of college students generally afflicted with many physical problems. "Brittle," which literally means tender and fragile, has been used by netizens to jokingly describe how easily college students can get injured and sick.
“脆皮大学生”指的是普遍存在许多身体问题的新一代大学生。“脆皮” 这个词,字面上意味着柔弱和脆弱,网友们用其来戏称大学生是多么容易受伤和生病。

According to reports, Zhengzhou Central Hospital received some 1,700 young people aged between 18 and 25 in its emergency department in September alone.

"These young people were mainly diagnosed with trauma, abdominal pain, chest tightness, hyperventilation, acute alcoholism, and cholecystitis. Most cases were caused by irregular daily routine, staying up late and unhealthy diet," said Cheng Xiaodan, deputy director of the hospital's emergency department.

The "2020 China University Students Health Survey Report" published by China Youth Daily likewise pointed out that unhealthy lifestyle is common among college students. Out of 12,117 collegians, 86 percent of participants said they had experienced health issues such as poor skin condition, lack of sleep, and emotional problems.

In addition to insufficient exercise, the rising number of "vulnerable college students" can be attributed to irregular work and rest schedules and unhealthy lifestyles, according to Gou Bo, professor of sports medicine at Xi'an Physical Education University.

"Nowadays, college students spend too much time on smartphones with excessive sedentary screen time. Many stay up late playing games or writing essays, etc., which leads to waking up late and skipping breakfast. All of this harms physical health, resulting in a more ‘brittle' body," Gou noted.

So how can one stop being "brittle"? Improvement can be made in the following aspects。

Make sure you get 8-10hrs sleep each night to reduce anxiety levels, and clean out toxins that build up in your brain.

If some unhealthy food habits have started, it’s not too late! Start simple and do some research on areas you can improve like – drinking more water, reducing processed foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, staying away from saturated fats and added sugar!

WhETHer you can set a realistic goal like 10,000 steps per day or choose an activity that you enjoy, plan out your week to ensure exercise is one of your main priorities.

1.buzzword 流行语;热词
2.brittle 易碎的;脆的
3.a slew of 大量
4.stretch 伸展;伸长;倾注全力;紧张
5.trauma 创伤;扶伤;外伤
6.hyperventilation 过度换气;超呼吸
7.cholecystitis [内科]胆囊炎
8.saturated 饱和的;充满的;
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