[电影] 美国90年代最著名的美剧《X档案》到底讲了个什么故事?

软件小平 发表于 2023-10-13 17:17:37|来自:中国 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

X档案 第十季 The X-Files Season 10 (2016)[已更新02集][每周一周二][中英],欧美剧集
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suidywu 发表于 2023-10-13 17:18:35|来自:中国 | 显示全部楼层
广东这边在80年代后期开始,电视就能接受到香港四个免费频道的电视,分别是翡翠台、本港台、明珠台、国际台。明珠和国际是英语频道,专门播放美剧、主流电影的。广东能在8 90年代大规模接触到英语大片基本来源于这里。作为80后的广东仔,就占了这点便宜啦。哈哈。
整个X档案故事就是老莫在查询自己妹妹案件时候,发现政府一早涉及了外星人了。早在1947年时候罗斯维尔事件,政府就获得了外星人的技术、飞行器和外星人尸体。但有意隐瞒之...主线就是这个。其他就是这个世界本来就很多不解之谜,有人基因变异,有狼人、有特异功能、神话传说等等。但这些题材看来了很傻笔,但X档案高明之处就是把这些看来去很科幻的东西、很瞎说的都用合理科学桥段解释过去了。这些今天看来不怎么高明,但那时90年代时候属于很创意的了。这就是X档案高明之处也是好看之处。简单来说,今天很多科幻、神话、奇幻的东西都用植入科学等等桥段使得这些故事更加具有合理性都是从X档案那学来的哦。X档案是正式开启了科幻(奇幻、神话传说)+科学解释 = 观众接受并感到真实的主流影视桥段先锋者。
当然,到了后期7 8 9季度已经有点失控,瞎说挖坑太多。但不妨碍成为经典了。我手机开机铃声都是X档案主题音~
yumen 发表于 2023-10-13 17:19:35|来自:中国 | 显示全部楼层
ycacg 发表于 2023-10-13 17:19:57|来自:中国 | 显示全部楼层
Fox Mulder一直以来都是我的偶像,为此不顾他人嘲讽,我曾经甚至以Fox作为我的英文名。


Fox Mulder为该部门主要负责人,Dana Scully是二把手兼。。。







主线剧情则是关于Fox Mulder想搞个大新闻,把美国官僚资本主义伙同外星人灭绝人类的丑闻批判一番。
1947 — Roswell((故事发生之前)美国政府和外星人第一次接触,外星人要殖民地球,政府成立建立Syndicate 组织应对外星人,一方面协助外星人殖民,另一方面暗中阴外星人。)
When a UFO crashes to Earth, the US government makes first contact with aliens set to colonise our planet. A secret organisation known as The Syndicate is created out of the US government’s State Department to deal with the aliens.

1951 — Human cloning ((故事发生之前)政府通过外星人的科技开始制造超级战士。)
After receiving military intelligence reports detailing Russia’s efforts to create human super-soldiers, the US begins its own program with the “Lichfield Experiment”.

1952 — The X-Files((故事发生之前)X档案室成立)
FBI Agent Arthur Dales begins the X-Files after encountering extraterrestrial phenomena.

1953 — Black Oil(美国政府发现黑油,实为外星病毒,感染后可以控制地球人)
The US government discovers Black Oil — an alien virus created by the alien colonists to control the human race.

1973 — The Syndicate strikes a deal and Mulder’s sister is abducted. (和外星人协商后,Syndicate 开始制造外星地球杂交人。然后,故事主要线索之一,主角他爹就是Syndicate 的,然后加入这个组织要把自己亲人送给外星人做实验,然后主角他妹妹就被白光一闪带走了。主角前期一直都在找他妹妹,真*妹控。Syndicate用人类换来了个外星胚胎,搞起了病毒疫苗,妄图破坏外星人的殖民野心,至少也要自保。
When the Syndicate discovers the alien colonists are intent of taking over the Earth through a virus, it negotiates a deal. The deal allows humanity to continue in the form of an alien-human hybrid.
As part of the agreement, each member of the Syndicate must sacrifice a family member to the colonists to perform experiments on. In return, the Syndicate is given an alien foetus.
Mulder’s father nominates him to be taken, but the group takes his sister, Samantha, instead because it needs a young girl for its experiments.
From the foetus tissue, members of the Syndicate start work to develop a vaccine to save themselves from hybridisation.

1990 — Mulder is on the case (主线开始,Mulder开始任职)
After working at the FBI’s Behavioral Sciences Unit for three years profiling serial killers, Mulder discovers and takes on the X-Files.

1994 — Scully joins the X-Files(女主开始任职,开始的主要目的是通过科学破坏X-Files这个迷信组织。然后没多久女主就被外星人绑走了,在飞碟上做了手术,卵巢被取走。)
Scully is assigned to the X-Files in an attempt to halt Mulder’s progress in uncovering the Syndicate’s secrets. As a medical doctor, she is told to use science to debunk the X-Files.
Deep Throat attempts to uncover an alien conspiracy but is killed by the Syndicate.
After working on the X-Files for close to a year, Scully is abducted by the government conspirators working with the aliens. During her abduction, her ovum is taken.

1995 — The killing game (外星人开始派杀手杀来杀去)
The aliens believe the hybrids are a risk to their species and send bounty hunters to Earth to assassinate all of the clones.
A hacker uncovers Defence Department files about the government’s involvement with aliens and gives the files to Mulder.
CSM has Mulder’s father killed by Alex Krycek — a former FBI agent turned assassin.
Krycek escapes with the secret files and Assistant Director Walter Skinner threatens to expose the conspiracy if the Syndicate continues to pursue Mulder and Scully.

1996 — Black Oil, again
Krycek and Mulder are both infected with Black Oil and experimented on.
The Syndicate destroys all of the evidence Mulder and Scully have collected so the pair can’t expose the conspiracy.

1997 — Scully is diagnosed with cancer
Scully is diagnosed with the same brain tumour found in other female abductees, but is later cured by CSM.
The Syndicate begins experimenting with bees that will carry the alien virus.

1998 — Black oil, alien rebels and a cover-up
Faceless alien rebels opposed to the colonisation of Earth start killing abductees to halt progress of the plan.
Krycek creates a vaccine to the Black Oil virus.
The Syndicate attempts to assassinate Gibson Praise, a child with telepathic powers because of his alien DNA.
The X-Files are destroyed and Mulder and Scully are reassigned.
A government building is blown up by the conspirators in an attempt to disguise the cause of death of four people whose corpses were mutated by aliens hatching out of their bodies.
Scully is taken to an alien base in Antarctica after she is infected. Mulder is given a vaccine by a defected member of the Syndicate which he uses to cure Scully. The vaccine also destroys other alien hatchlings and the base flies away from Earth.
The X-Files are reopened.

1999 — Syndicate has success
The Syndicate’s first successful human/alien hybrid is created and it makes plans to present it to the aliens, triggering the colonisation of Earth.
However, alien rebels intervenes and eliminates both the hybrid and the Syndicate, except for CSM who manages to get away.

2000 — Mulder is abducted, Scully is pregnant
Even though she was left infertile by the experiments performed on her during her abductions, Scully learns she is pregnant.
Mulder is abducted and experimented on.

2001 — Mulder’s death and a new baby
Mulder is returned some months later and began to morph into an alien/human super-soldier but is saved from the transition.
Scully gives birth to William.
Mulder, Agent John Doggett and Skinner realise super-soldiers have infiltrated the FBI and other parts of the government, with some in high-level positions.

2002 — Scully gives up William
William is kidnapped by a UFO cult who believes he will be either the saviour or destroyer of mankind. During this ordeal, Scully learns of his superhuman abilities such as telekinesis.
However, when the son of CSM, Jeffery Spender, injects him with a serum, his powers are taken away.
Scully is advised her son is still being hunted by the super-soldiers and gives him away in an anonymous adoption.
Mulder resurfaces after being in hiding for a year and finds out that colonisation is set for

December 22, 2012.
He is accused of the murder of a super-soldier and is put through a rigged trial. When he is found guilty, he and Scully become fugitives.
The X-Files are once again shut down.

rainpower 发表于 2023-10-13 17:20:13|来自:中国 | 显示全部楼层
1947年一艘外星飞船坠落新墨西哥。拥有高级智慧和先进科技的外星人必然打败地球人类,统治世界。以烟不离手的癌人为首的一个政府秘密组织 (The Syndicate) 与外星人达成了一个秘密协议,以人类的让步换取暂时的生存。The Syndicate包括Mulder的老爹,每一位成员用自己家庭成员换取效忠的资格。Mulder的老爹献出的是自己的女儿Samantha.






同志们,我发现Syndicate领导者是谁了- Bernie Sanders

dermot 发表于 2023-10-13 17:21:12|来自:中国 | 显示全部楼层
其实x档案讲的就是一个不受领导和同事待见的高智商心里有阴影探员和一个开始深得领导信任派来诊断高智商心里有阴影男探员的女医生探员的运气超好奇妙冒险 …


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