
chuangkou5 发表于 2023-10-10 21:20:44|来自:江西南昌 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
动产(Personal Property):
Personal property is a class of property that can include any asset other than real estate. The distinguishing factor between personal property and real estate, or real property, is that personal property is movable; that is, it isn't fixed permanently to one particular location.
Personal property is also known as movable property, movables, and chattels. Because it is viewed as an asset, it may be taken into consideration by a lender when someone applies for a mortgage or other loan.
Personal property,也被称为“chattels,” 可以进一步细分为chattels personal (interests in tangible movables and in intangibles)和chattels real (personal property interests in land, of which leaseholds were the most important). Chattels personal又可以进一步细分为 choses in possession (interests in tangible movables, including animals, merchandise, and goods)和 choses in action (interests in intangibles, including promissory notes and rights of action).
不动产(Real Property):
Real property is a parcel of land and structures that are permanently attached to the land. The owner of real property has all the rights of ownership, including the right to possess, sell, lease, and enjoy the land.
Real property may be classified according to its general use as residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, or special purpose. To understand if you have the right to sell your home, you need to know which rights you possess—or don't possess—in connection with the property.
【Real Estate vs. Real Property】
Real estate是一个表示实际土地、建筑和与之相连资源(physical land, structures, and resources attached to it)的术语。
Real property不仅包括实体财产(physical property of the real estate)还包括所有权和使用权的一系列权力(a bundle of ownership and usage rights)。
The real property consists of both physical objects and common law rights; real estate only consists of physical objects.
In general, the difference between real estate and real property boils down to the inclusion of the bundle of rights. The real property consists of both physical objects and common law rights whereas real estate consists only of physical objects.

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