[篮球] 篮球有哪些战术?

buxizhizhou 发表于 2023-10-6 10:15:41|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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mjp004 发表于 2023-10-6 10:16:00|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层
The Iverson Cut 作为1-4 High offense 战术选择之一,简称“AI Cut”,其中文名为“艾弗森空切/跑切”,因为AI将其发扬光大因而以艾弗森的名字命名,这是拉里布朗教练专门为他设计的诸多无球战术中的一个。如果你球队中有一名实力超群的队友,需要以其为核心布置战术打法,则这个战术将非常适用,在如今篮球实战中也非常常见,如CBA广东宏远就经常采用该战术为核心球员做摆脱。今天我们就抛砖引玉,对这个战术做一简单介绍。

The Iverson Cut
Today we talk about a move that Hall of Famer Allen Iverson made so ubiquitous that NBA coaches just started calling the action “The Iverson Cut”.
Ubiquitous:adj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的


An Iverson Cut typically starts out in a flat play or in Horns, with a point guard at the top, two posts at the elbows, and guards either at the wings or down in the corners.
In a flat play 呈线形站位,也可以理解为:Flat Formation
Horn  /hɔːn/  n. 喇叭,号角;牛角
Elbow 肘区,罚球线与限制区边线交界拐角区域
wings 一般指两翼45度的位置


The basic idea is that the star guard is going to get two screens across the top of the key. He will move up and across the formation, trying to rub his defender off of him as he moves to the opposite side of the arc.

Rub off 擦掉,磨去,本文指紧贴做掩护的队友跑切,挂住防守队员,实现摆脱


After the cut is made, there’s a lot of options including a quick shot, a backdoor cut to the rim after the second post screen, isolation, post up plays, or a swing back to the other side of the floor to star the rest of the play.
Backdoor cut 背切
Post screen 在Post区域做的掩护,有时也可能指的是Post Player做的掩护
Isolation  /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/ n. 隔离;孤立。在篮球运动中指:一人在球场一侧,其余队员拉开到另一侧落位,让其单打

Image Via:https://nba.nbcsports.com

1-4 High Offense  1-4 高落位进攻战术
The 1-4 High offense can be useful to teams that have several guards with the ability to shoot from the perimeter. It features a ball handler at the top of the key, two high post players, and two players located on the wings near the foul line extended areas.

The AI Cut 是 1-4 High offense 战术选择的一种

This offense can also create scoring opportunities by way of basketball cuts such as the Iverson cut or via basketball screens such as the cross screen.

Teams with high basketball IQ will be able to take advantage of potential backdoor possibilities because of the open space below the free throw line extended.

Also, teams can use the 1-4 high offense to execute actions such as high low and screen the screener.
Free throw line extended 罚球线延长线
Screen the screener :为掩护队员做掩护

moneypk 发表于 2023-10-6 10:16:38|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层


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