[其他] Telegram 靠什么盈利?

xjping 发表于 2023-8-23 14:30:02|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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itestit 发表于 2023-8-23 14:30:59|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层
WeChat,拉出来枪biu,张某人,你XXXX   ——>ಠ_ಠ  |  (╯‵□′)╯炸弹!•••*~●

Telegram approaches 500 million active users, many of you are asking the question – who is going to pay to support this growth? After all, more users mean more expenses for traffic and servers. A project of our size needs at least a few hundred million dollars per year to keep going.
For most of Telegram’s history, I paid for the expenses of the company from my personal savings. However, with its current growth Telegram is on track to reach billions of users and to require appropriate funding. When a tech project reaches this scale, typically there are two options – start earning money to cover the costs, or sell the company.
Hence the question – which path will Telegram take? I’d like to make a few points to clarify our plan:
1. We are not going to sell the company like the founders of Whatsapp. The world needs Telegram to stay independent as a place where users are respected and high-quality service is ensured. Telegram must continue to serve the world as an example of a tech company that strives for perfection and integrity. And, as the sad examples of our predecessors show, that is impossible if you become part of a corporation.
我们不会像WhatsApp的创始人一样把公司售卖出去。世界需要tg来保持独立性,成为一个尊重用户并提供高质量优质服务的地方。tg必须继续为世界服务,成为一个追求完美和诚信的科技公司的典范。而像WhatsApp前人那样售卖掉公司的悲惨案例,是不会发生在tg的身上,尤其是当你已经成为公司(发展过程中尤为重要的关键人物时)。。。张小 ,你XXXX(自行脑补)
2. Telegram is here to stay for a long time. We began developing our apps for our personal use over 8 years ago and have come a long way since then. In the process, Telegram changed the way people communicate in several aspects – encryption, functionality, simplicity, design, speed. This journey has just started. There’s much more we can – and will – bring to the world.
3. In order to make points 1 and 2 possible, Telegram will begin to generate revenue, starting next year. We will do it in accordance with our values and the pledges we have made over the last 7 years. Thanks to our current scale, we will be able to do it in a non-intrusive way. Most users will hardly notice any change.
4. All the features that are currently free will stay free. We will add some new features for business teams or power users. Some of these features will require more resources and will be paid for by these premium users. Regular users will be able to keep enjoying Telegram – for free, forever.
5. All parts of Telegram devoted to messaging will remain ad-free. We think that displaying ads in private 1-to-1 chats or group chats is a bad idea. Communication between people should be free of advertising of any sort.
6. In addition to its messaging component, Telegram has a social networking dimension. Our massive public one-to-many channels can have millions of subscribers each and are more like Twitter feeds. In many markets the owners of such channels display ads to earn money, sometimes using third-party ad platforms. The ads they post look like regular messages, and are often intrusive. We will fix this by introducing our own Ad Platform for public one-to-many channels – one that is user-friendly, respects privacy and allows us to cover the costs of servers and traffic.
除了信息传递部分,Telegram还有一个社交网络层面。我们大规模的一对多公共频道,每个频道可以有数百万的用户,更像是Twitter feeds(一样的社群功能)。在许多(不同领域)内,这些频道的管理者,有时使用第三方广告平台赚钱营销。他们发布的广告看起来像普通的信息,而且往往是侵入性的(霸屏或是刷屏)。我们将通过为公共的一对多频道引入我们自己的广告平台,来解决这个问题--这个平台对用户友好,尊重隐私,并允许我们平衡服务器和流量的费用和开销。
7. If Telegram starts earning money, the community should also benefit. For example, If we monetize large public one-to-many channels via the Ad Platform, the owners of these channels will receive free traffic in proportion to their size. Or, if Telegram introduces premium stickers with additional expressive features, the artists who make stickers of this new type will also get a part of the profit. We want millions of Telegram-based creators and small businesses to thrive, enriching the experience of all our users.
要是Telegram开始挣钱,社区也应该能受益。例如,如果我们通过广告平台对大型公共一对多频道开始盈利(感谢 评论区 @老哥 指正),这些频道的所有者将获得与其(规模相称)的免费流量。或者,如果Telegram推出了具有额外有趣的高级贴纸(表情包),制作这种新类型表情包的艺术家也将获得部分利润。我们希望数百万基于Telegram的创作者和小企业能够蓬勃发展,丰富所有用户的体验。
This is the Telegram way.
It will allow us to keep innovating and keep growing for decades to come. We will be able to launch countless new features and welcome billions of new users. While doing that, we will remain independent and stay true to our values, redefining how a tech company should operate.
shzlq 发表于 2023-8-23 14:31:08|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层
看了会员功能,真不明白跟免费版的有啥区别   ,现在估计不赚钱,老板有钱。
zxhy 发表于 2023-8-23 14:31:26|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层
dollon 发表于 2023-8-23 14:32:25|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层


halczy 发表于 2023-8-23 14:32:44|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层
Q:Telegram 背後的團隊有哪些人?
Telegram 是由帕維爾·杜羅夫(Pavel Durov)和尼古拉·杜羅夫(Nikolai Durov)所支持。 Pavel 主要提供 Telegram 在財務與理念方面,而 Nikolai 投入的則是技術。為了讓 Telegram 可以實現,Nikolai 開發了一種獨特的自訂資料協定,開放而安全,並且用多資料中心最佳化了工作。也因此,Telegram 結合了安全性、可靠性和速度在任何網路上。
杜羅夫兄弟出生於俄羅斯,如同一些關鍵的開發者,但 Telegram 並沒有連接到俄羅斯 - 在法律上和實際上都是。Telegram 總部在德國的柏林。

我們相信快速而安全的傳遞訊息也可以是 100% 免費的。
Pavel Durov 透過他的數位堡壘基金 ( Digital Fortress fund ) 慷慨資助 Telegram,所以我們暫時有相當足夠的資金。如果 Telegram 用完了這些錢,我們將邀請我們的用戶捐款或為 Telegram 加入非必要的付費選項,以達到收支平衡。但盈利永遠不會成為一個 Telegram 的目標。


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