[其他] 钢琴家亚历山大•马洛费耶夫的天才之道(下)

若冰♀ 发表于 2024-7-28 03:18:03|来自:亚太地区 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Pjotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky(1840 –1893) completed his ballet “The Nutcracker”1892. The compositionpremiered at theMariinsky Theater in SaintPetersburgthat year, but wasn’t that much of a success initially. The composer also wrote a 20-minute Suite from that music. That was far more successful, and it has remained popular to this day.
柴可夫斯基在1892年完成了他的芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》(The Nutcracker)”。该作品于当年在圣彼得堡的马林斯基剧院首演,起初并没有那么轰动。作曲家又用这首音乐写了一个20分钟的组曲。
The popularity of the suite, and likely also the music itself, motivatedMikhail Pletnev(*1957) to transcribe selected parts of the suite into aConcert Suite for solo piano.This isan excellent, if not brilliant piano score. Pletnev took seven pieces from Tchaikovsky’s suite and arranged them in the following sequence:
这个组曲更为成功,至今仍然很受欢迎。由于这个组曲和原本的音乐太深入人心,米哈伊尔·普列特涅夫(Mikhail Pletnev)因此将该组曲的部分改编为一系列钢琴独奏曲。这些曲目,如果用辉煌形容太过,那么说优秀绝对当之无愧。普列特涅夫根据柴可夫斯基的组曲改编的7首曲目如下:

March — Marche: Tempo di marcia viva
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy — Danse de la Fée Dragée: Andante non troppo
Intermezzo (Journey through the Snow)
Russian Trepak — Danse russe Trepak: Tempo di Trepak, molto vivace
Chinese Dance — Danse chinoise: Allegro moderato
Andante maestoso (Pas de Deux)

Particularly in this first section of the “Russian part” of the program, I found segmentsquite successful, to me representing the “Russian atmosphere”. One example isthe openingMarch, or the more vivid / virtuosic parts among III – VII. The dance-like pieces such as I (March), II (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy), and VI (Chinese Dance) were maybe a little too handsome, not playful enough.
On the other hand, virtuosic parts, such as III (Tarantella) were eruptive and rhythmically firm. A particular highlight to me was IV (Intermezzo) with its nicely singing melodies and the long phrases. On the other hand V (Russian Trepak) was clearly focusing on tempo and virtuosity. The suite ended with thePas de Deuxas another highlight in this performance.
TheDumka, Russian rustic scene in C minor for piano, op.59by the same composer was originally announced as preceding the “Nutcracker” suite. It’s another piece that I found well-played by Alexander Malofeev, particularly its second, more virtuosic part.
Overall, I found Malofeev’s Tchaikovsky interpretations the best, most atmospheric, and most valid and rewarding ones within this program. WhETHer the “Russian atmosphere” was based on the young artist’s own world of experience, or whether thiswas “injected” bythe artist’s teacher, is an open question.

Igor Stravinsky(1882 – 1971) composed his ballet musicThe Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du Printemps), or “Весна священная” in1913, forSergei Diaghilev‘s “Ballets russes”. The music was causing an immediate scandal already at the premiere. Meanwhile, however, this has becomequite popular on the concert stage., It is considered one of the most influential pieces of the last century.
伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基在1913年为谢尔盖•达基列夫的“俄罗斯芭蕾舞团”创作了他的芭蕾舞音乐《春之祭》(Le Sa cre du Printemps)。音乐在首演时惨败,却在音乐会舞台上风靡一时。它被认为是上个世纪最具影响力的作品之一。
Alexey Kurbatov transcribed parts of the ballet music for the piano (two hands). From what I heard in this concert, this isa pianistic monster. It isthe result of condensing Stravinsky’s complex, polyrhythmic and polytonal texture into a score for piano and ten fingers!
Alexey Kurbatov则将部分芭蕾舞音乐改编成为钢琴(双手)曲。就我所听而言,马洛菲耶夫化身钢琴怪咖,十指跳跃于钢琴之上,演绎出斯特拉文斯基旋律复杂、节奏多变、色调繁多的特色。

Also here, I found that Alexander Malofeev mastered many sections really well. Examples are the somewhat melancholic introduction (reminding me ofFellini’s film “La Strada”), or many of the motoric / rhythmically persistent passages (though these appeared to be played somewhat superficially). On the other hand,I found Malofeev’s interpretation to be predominantly pianistic. I would not callit an attempt to reproduce the orchestral soundscape on the concert grand.
Some of the martial sections are rhythmically extremely complex. They aremulti-layeredandalso involve frequent rhythmic “switches” / alterations. That’s where I found the interpretation to reach limitations: I missed the dynamicdifferentiation of the various, stacked components / voices. The listening impression was lacking clarity. As a listener, I found it to be difficult to follow the rhythmic flow.

I suspect that Alexander Malofeev was predominantlybusy with the technical aspects. This may have prevented him fromkeeping the necessary overview (like observing himself from a distance), in order to offer tothe listener clarity and insight at all times. In the final bars, the pianist impressed the audience with the almost monstrous volume, with masses of sound in the last chords. It was almost miraculous that he was able to do this, from a merephysical point-of-view!
But before ending this posting, let me for a moment return to the questions raised in the introduction. It is quite foreseeablethat within a short time (1 – 3 years?), Alexander Malofeev will not be able to acquire more technical knowledge / abilities. And then, what? From a mere physiological point-of-view, this concert required huge forces / physical resources.

Yet, even though he hasn’t finished his education, he is already in high demand. He is makingconcert appearancesall over the world, exclusively with a repertoire of high/highest virtuosity. It is more than likely that after the completion of his formal education, the “concert circus” will keep him completely busy all year.
In my opinion, this entails the danger of physical exhaustion,. At the same time, there is also the dangerof psychic and emotional strain. And almost inevitably, Malofeev may facethe irreversible loss of achildhood. On top of that,the artist may not getthe opportunity to mature emotionally and mentally. An artist who has notlivedwill not be in a position to draw fromemotional and mental experience in his interpretations. Conclusion: I’m more than a little worried here!
Despite these open questions: this was a very interesting concert experience, to say the least.It is hard not to be fascinated by Alexander Malofeev as a pianistic phenomenon!





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