活跃概况 发表于 2023-9-16 07:17:50

ChatGPT 在论文润色方面可以有哪些应用?

对于非英语母语学习者来说 是不是可以用 ChatGPT 替代论文润色机构的服务(

xuhu 发表于 2023-9-16 07:18:37

ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing


Find a research topic for a PhD in the area of
Write a detailed proposal on the following research topic. Make Sure it is free from plagiarism.
Identify gaps in the literature on
Generate 10 academic research questions about
Generate a list of research hypotheses related to
Identify potential areas for future research in the context of this
Suggest novel applications of within 其实你可以清楚的看到,这个攻略里面的Prompt其实都是针对于ChatGPT的针对性使用,而这个回答提供的prompt都是比较通用的,实际上不同的专业不同的方向其实需要的润色形式是很不相同的,所以想要把ChatGPT在科研上用的好,还是需要对ChatGPT有深刻的理解。因为对于ChatGPT的输出,很大程度上取决于你的输入。所以对于ChatGPT不太了解的朋友,我非常的建议你先去看看知乎知学堂开设的这门《人工智能课程》,其中的ChatGPT部分要尤其的注意。

写标题 Title/Topic Sentence

Suggest 5 titles for the following abstract:
Write a topic sentences for this paragraph: 写关键字 Keywords

Provide 5 keywords for this: 写摘要 Abstract

Generate an abstract for a scientific paper based on this information for: 写大纲 Outline

Generate an outline for
I want to write a journal article about . give me an outline for the article that I can use as a starting point.写介绍 Introduction

Come up with an introduction for the following research topic: 写文献阅读 Literature Review

Conduct a literature review on and provide review paper references
Provide me with references and links to papers in
Summarize the scholarly literature including in text citations on
Write this in standart Harvard referencing
Convert this from MLA to APA style.
Compare and contrast and in the context of :写方法论Methodology

Create objectives and methodology for
Write a detailed methodology for the topic:
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology:
Write objectives for this study:
What are the limitations of using in ?
Create a recipie for the methods used in this
Suggest interdisciplinary approaches to
Explain how qualitative/quantitative research methods can be used to address
Recommend best practices for data collection and analysis in 写实验部分 Experiments

Design an experiment that 写结果部分 Results

Write a result section for the following paragraphs. Please write this in third person. 写讨论 Discussion

Discuss this results: 写结论 Conclusion

Generate a conclusion for this:
Give recommendations and conclusion for: 写未来工作部分 Future Works

Can you suggest 3 directions for future research on this topic: ]?润色指令 IMPROVING LANGUAGE

Rewrite his paragraph in an academic langauge:
Paraphrase the text using more academic and scientific language. Use a neutral tone and avoid repetitions of words and phrases.
Correct the grammar:
What do you think of how this parapraph is written?:
What 3 points would you suggest to improve this paragraph?:
Improve the style of my writing?
Improve the clarity and coherence of my writing
Improve the organization and structure of my paper
Provide feedback on this text and suggest areas for improvement
Can you improve this paragraph using passive voice:
Can you improve this paragraph to make it more cohesive:
Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Using NLP, create a prompt to write a new article in the same style, voice, and tone:
Please write a few paragraphs using the following list of points
Give three variations of this sentence:
Write a transition sentence to connect the following two paragraphs:
Provide effective transitions between paragraphs
Rewrite this paragraph as a introduction:
Rewrite this paragraph as a conclusion:
Write a counterargument to the following claim:
Rewrite this in an academic voice:
Expand these notes:
Provide me a list of words and phrases which were repeatedly / more than 3 times used:
Provide me a list of synonyms for and evaluate them in the context of
Act as a language expert, proofread my paper on while putting a focus on grammar and punctuation.
In the context of translate into the language.总结 SUMMARIZATION

Summarize the following content:
Summarize the text in simpler and easier-to-understand terms.
Come up with a summary that is exactly words:
Reduce the following to words:
Shorten to characters:
Give me a bullet point summary for
Extract the important key points of this:
Summarize the text by extracting the most important information in the form of bullet points
Explain this again but simpler:
Explain this research to a 12 year old:
Identify the key findings and implications of this:
Remove throat-clearing sentence from this paragraph:
Frontload the argument in the following paragraph:
Explain as an analogy写计划和宣传用 PLAN/PRESENTATION

Develop a research plan for:
Write a schedule for completion in in
The deadline for the submission of first draft is . give me a week-by-week breakdown so I can plan my writing better.
Write a sensational press release for this research:
Make this more persuasive:
Write 3 tweets about this research? AI全能教师Prompt

<a data-draft-node="block" data-draft-type="link-card" href="http://www.zhihu.com/question/620763433/answer/3200309548" data-image="http://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-7620b08770d10299a3f82b9fdaee5fcb_ipico.jpg" data-image-width="1316" data-image-height="1274" class="internal">OpenAI 首次发布 ChatGPT 课堂使用指南,生成式 AI 进入课堂后会带来哪些改变?

yang1030 发表于 2023-9-16 07:19:37

本人最近在使用Chat GPT润色英文论文,发现效果比免费版的Qillbot等常用润色工具香太多,语法准确,地道,逻辑性强,句子结构清晰,容易理解。而且可以指定某个期刊的语言风格来修改,比如Nature, Science, Cell等。事实上,本人亲身实践过,使用Chat GPT以CNS等顶级期刊的语言风格来润色,远比AJE润色公司的最低服务标准强得太多太多,一点儿也不夸大。
然而,问题来了,由于该聊天机器人是经过大数据的语料库来训练的,难免会出现修改后的句子与发表过的论文部分重复,所以确实可能会出现查重率有所增高,反正我的确实出现了这种情况。然后我再根据查重报告降重,简单修改(还是使用Chat GPT,提醒它注意防止涉嫌剽窃)后从28%降到24%。不过,本人重复的大部分地方在方法学部分,而且都附了相应的引文,所以本人不担心查重率高的问题。
其次,有人担心交给AI修改是否会涉嫌学术不端。关于这个问题,我的回答是,只要控制好前面的查重不要太高即可,尽量整体小于30%,单篇小于1%,不过就算超出这个范围,也不会直接认定抄袭等不端,因为查重算法一般是一句话有六个单词相同就会被判为重复,有些固定搭配,通用句型,相同的实验方法等都是允许重复的。事实上,你可以把Chat GPT当做一个免费的专业英语老师,你只是让它帮你改论文而已,不是写论文。
最后,我们也担心论文文本是否会泄露?其实在登陆Chat GPT的时候,系统已经出现过相关的对话框了,说不要放敏感信息,因为系统可能会使用用户输入的信息进行迭代训练。所以,如果有人想方设法窃取的话,文本确实可能会泄露,但这个可能也不是易事。而且,我们最核心的是数据,图片和原始记录本,这个不泄露的话,就算别人用了我们的文本,我们也有证据说明我们才是原创。
总结一下,Chat GPT作为一个强大的聊天AI,我们大可放心地利用它来辅助我们的科研写作。反而是润色公司们要担忧自己会不会因为Chat GPT的出现而倒闭。

本人用Chat GPT润色的文章最后中了中科院一区的杂志,审稿人都没说语言方面有问题,而且这本人的第一篇论文。以下是本人用一段中文来测试润色效果的对比:







使用Chat GPT进行润色,可以指定Nature,Cell, AJE最高服务标准。注意提问方式的表达。


看到这里,你觉得Chat GPT 香不香?你也赶紧去试试吧!欢迎点赞转发收藏,谢谢!

冷白 发表于 2023-9-16 07:19:55

作为论文润色公司 @投必得论文编译的老板,我也感受到了chatgpt带来的威胁。所以我最近都在思考该如何面对这个挑战,有一种紧迫感。
首先,翻译,的确,ChatGPT已经翻译的挺好。但前提条件是喂给ChatGPT的中文必须要不错,在ChatGPT产生之前,也已经有了很多AI翻译工具,包括Google Translate,DeepL。经过比较,我们发现,ChatGPT翻译的最好。我们也拿一段文字做了个尝试。Google Translate的表现,不如ChatGPT。但如果喂给ChatGPT的中文写的不怎么条理,它翻译的也一样不好。所以,有经验的翻译现在采用的是这个流程,先顺一遍中文,借助AI翻译,最后人工校正。所以,这么说吧,完全依靠人工进行翻译的时代基本上已经过去了,但是呢,如果不经过校对或者质控,是不能用来发表的。在顺中文和人工校对环节,还是需要人的协助的。



limao100 发表于 2023-9-16 07:20:24

把自己的英文论文一整段扔进去,然后让它improve the following academic writing

liaodan 发表于 2023-9-16 07:21:19


Along with the development of technology and the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, an increasingly close connection has been established between machines and humans. As intelligent machines with human-machine dialogue, action, emotion and other feedback functions gradually socialize into roles, the human-machine relationship also develops and changes accordingly. The machine develops from a functional tool to a social role. The impact of intelligent machines on the interaction object (human) is not only reflected in the change of the human-machine relationship, but also in the impact on human needs. The involvement of artificial intelligence leads to deeper interaction and greater uncertainty in the process of human-computer interaction.
Please proofread and polish the passage from an academic angle and highlight the modification:下面这个是ChatGPT给出的润色版本,还给出了主要修改部分的修改原因:
Along with the advancements in technology and the dawn of the era of artificial intelligence, a close relationship has been established between machines and humans. As intelligent machines with human-like dialogue, action, emotion, and feedback functions integrate into society, the relationship between humans and machines evolves accordingly. The machine transitions from a functional tool to a social entity. The influence of intelligent machines on their interaction partner, i.e. humans, is reflected not only in the alteration of the human-machine relationship, but also in their impact on human needs. The integration of artificial intelligence leads to a more immersive and complex interaction, increasing uncertainty in the process of human-computer interaction.

[*]Changed "an increasingly close connection" to "a close relationship" for conciseness
[*]Changed "gradually socialize into roles" to "integrate into society" for clarity
[*]Changed "the impact of intelligent machines on the interaction object (human)" to "the influence of intelligent machines on their interaction partner, i.e. humans" for clarity
[*]Changed "the machine develops from a functional tool to a social role" to "the machine transitions from a functional tool to a social entity" for conciseness
[*]Changed "deeper interaction and greater uncertainty" to "a more immersive and complex interaction, increasing uncertainty" for clarity
DeepL翻译:Along with the development of technology and the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, an increasingly close connection has been established between machines and humans.
ChatGPT润色:Along with the advancements in technology and the dawn of the era of artificial intelligence, a close relationship has been established between machines and humans.
1, development 替换为 advancements (development有点低级)
3,把 an increasingly close connection简化为 a close relationship (更简洁)
give me some real examples of the usage of "dawn" to metaphorize the beginning of an era in academic writing, and notify me of the original source of these papers.

[*]"The dawn of the information age has brought with it a wealth of opportunities and challenges for society." Source: "The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective" by Manuel Castells, published in the Oxford Handbook of Internet Studies, edited by William H. Dutton, 2013.
[*]"The dawn of the 21st century marked the beginning of a new era in renewable energy, with a focus on sustainability and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels." Source: "Renewable Energy: A Review of Current Trends and Future Directions" by Sarah E. Johnson, published in Energy Policy, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Apr., 2010), pp. 1734-1745.
很多同学提到ChatGPT的润色会不会导致被判为 academic miscondut,我个人认为不会。因为通过中文翻译,再润色,并不是完全由ChatGPT代劳。
我首先让他使用更多的学术词汇来回答问题,它立刻就懂了,看下面的截图中,它用了utillize, incorporate,terminology这些词汇。



然后ChatGPT给出了四个比较有学术风的词汇说明:Intermediate, Above-average,Physical endurance, Consistent pace,并且全部说明了使用的原因和理由,基本原因都是更专业,更有技术含量。


之后,就可以over and over,让ChatGPT不断的出题给我进行练习。

所以,对于AI的论文检索结果,必须double check。ChatGPT的反馈结果依赖于自己的训练内容,如下:

鉴于“Dawn”这个词是否可以用于学术写作,之前用ChatGPT求证看来存在风险,去google学术搜索了一下:关键词 "Dawn" +"Era",结果如下:

说明 Dawn of Era确实是在学术写作中被广泛采用的,这一点上看,ChatGPT的这个润色没有问题。
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