lin7 发表于 2023-10-27 08:51:07




China on Saturday launched a rocket carrying three astronauts - two men and one woman - to the core module of a future space station where they will live and work for six months, the longest orbit for Chinese astronauts.

[*]这句话的核心结构是:China on Saturday launched a rocket 中国于周六发射了一枚火箭。
[*]火箭搭载了什么?a rocket 后面跟了一个V-ing形式的后置定语,进行补充:carrying three astronauts 搭载三名宇航员的火箭。
[*]这三名宇航员的情况是怎样的?three astronauts 后面跟了一个同位语,进行介绍:two men and one woman 两男一女。
[*]他们去哪里?to the core module of a future space station 前往未来空间站的核心舱。
[*]他们在空间站核心舱做什么?后面跟了一个定语从句进行补充:where they will live and work for six months 他们要在那里生活工作六个月。
[*]six months 后面又跟了一个同位语结构,作进一步补充说明:the longest orbit for Chinese astronauts 这六个月的时间是中国宇航员最漫长的一次轨道飞行。
以上就是本句的六个结构,梳理完句子结构之后,我们再来看语言点:launch除了表示“发射”飞船火箭,也可以表示新书、新产品的发行,比如特斯拉发布 model Y,苹果发布 iPhone13,都可以用这个词。另外,表示“发射火箭”,如果国家/政府作主语,可以用launch;如果是火箭/人作主语,可以用blast off或lift off,比如路透社的报道中有这么一句话:
A Long March-2F rocket carrying the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft, which means "Divine Vessel", blasted off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern province of Gansu at 12:23 a.m.凌晨12点23分,长征二号火箭搭载着神舟13号宇宙飞船在甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空。CNN 中则用了lift off:
The three astronauts had lifted off on the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft just past midnight local time.在当地时间刚过午夜,这三名宇航员乘坐着神舟13号飞船升空。
astronaut是“航天员”的意思,但它特指美国或其它西方国家的航天员。事实上,作为仅有的三个独立载人航天国家,美国、俄罗斯和中国航天员的称呼各不相同。美国或其他国家的航天员名称一般是“astronauts”;俄罗斯航天员被称为“cosmonauts”,这个词源自俄语中的“宇宙”一词;而中国的航天员被称为“taikonauts”。taikonaut 是“拼音+英语词尾”构成的词,前半部分“taikon”来自“太空”的汉语拼音,后半部分词尾“naut”在英语中可以代表“宇航员”这一类人,这个词体现出中国空间技术的发展,中国具备了独有的技术,英语里就会用一个词去体现它。用“taikonauts”来称呼中国航天员,是对中国和中国宇航员的基本尊重,比如德国宇航员发文祝福叶光富时,就用了这个词:
而外媒还在延续使用 astronaut,可以看出它们在骨子里的傲慢与狭隘。orbit一词本义是“轨道”,但在政治/商业领域中,常表示国家或企业的“影响范围、势力范围”,其实这两个意思很好联系起来:星球的轨道就是其引力的势力范围,物体在轨道内部就会受到引力控制,脱离轨道就不会受引力控制。比如《经济学人》中曾有段话表达了西方对中国数字发展的担忧:
And it is pulling other countries into its orbit with initiatives such as the “digital Silk Road”, helping them build out their digital infrastructure.中国还通过“数字丝绸之路”倡议,帮助其它国家建设自己的数字基础设施,来把它们拉入自己的势力范围。(中国奉行和平共处的外交原则,不会像美国一样以援助为筹码、以军事作威胁,搞贸易殖民。)
最后,我们把这段话再整体看一遍:China on Saturday launched a rocket carrying three astronauts - two men and one woman - to the core module of a future space station where they will live and work for six months, the longest orbit for Chinese astronauts.周六,中国发射了一枚搭载三名宇航员(两男一女)的火箭,进入未来空间站的核心舱,他们将在那里生活和工作6个月,这是中国宇航员最漫长的一次轨道飞行。

我们再看第二部分:外媒如何评价这次发射?这部分选自CNN的报道:先看题目——China's historic crewed mission arrives at new space station

historic点明这次航天任务具有极高的历史意义。crew作名词指船或飞机上的全体人员,文中crewed mission指“载人任务”。再看第一段的报道:
China's three-person crew arrived at its new space station Saturday morning -- a major step for the country's young space program, which is rapidly becoming one of the world's most advanced.

两点评价:1)a major step for the country's young space program 这是中国年轻的太空计划迈出的重要一步;2)which is rapidly becoming one of the world's most advanced 中国太空计划正在迅速成为世界上最先进的项目之一。advanced可形容技术、思想“先进的”,比如 advanced technology 先进技术。我们可以用of advanced years或at advanced age形容某人年事已高,这是一个非常礼貌的表达。另外形容技术先进,我们也可以用at the cutting edge表示,比如 The diplomat(《外交家》)杂志中曾有篇文章讲到了中国科技的迅速发展,里面有句话就用到了这个表达:
Similarly, China is moving aggressively into cloud computing, 5G networks, driverless cars, and more cutting-edge technologies.同样,中国正在积极进军云计算、5G网络、无人驾驶和更多尖端技术领域。
"What is truly impressive about China's space program is how rapidly it has advanced, on all major fronts, from a pretty low base as recently as the 1990s," said David Burbach, associate professor of national security affairs at the US Naval War College.
美国海军战争学院(US Naval War College)国家安全事务副教授大卫·伯巴赫(David Burbach)表示:“中国太空计划真正令人印象深刻的是,它从上世纪90年代相当低的基础上,在所有主要前沿取得了如此迅速的进展。”

这里的advance是动词,表示“发展、前进”,相当于progress,develop,以后我们在写作中表示“随着 XX 的发展”时,不要再用With the development of...了,试着用 As... advances 替换。front本义是“正面、前面”,on a...front是固定搭配 表示“在...领域”,比如 on the economic / political front 在经济/政治领域,看两个例句:
On the technical front, there have been a number of important developments.技术领域有了一系列重大进步。
Excellent teamwork from our staff has brought improvement on all fronts.我们员工的精诚合作使得各方面都取得了进展。文中 on all major fronts 的意思是:在所有重要方面。base有“基础、根基”的意思,文中from a pretty low base的意思是:从相当低的基础上。as recently as体现出时间之近,这部分可理解成:就在上世纪90年代水平还相当低。
"The European Space Agency, Russia, India, and Israel have suffered Moon or Mars probe failures in recent years; China succeeded with both on the first tries," Burbach told CNN via email. Though the US still has the world's leading space program, he said, "there's no doubt that China is the world's Number 2 space power today."

别人 suffered Moon or Mars probe failures,而我们 succeeded with both on the first tries,有点小骄傲!both 指的是 Moon or Mars probe.中国人民不靠偷、不靠抢、不靠殖民掠夺,从一张白纸发展到世界第二太空强国,真的很了不起!


Chinese astronauts have long been locked out of the International Space Station due to US political objections and legislative restrictions -- which is why it has been a long-standing goal of China's to build a station of its own.

读起来很心酸,have long been locked out of...一直以来被拒之门外,不带我们玩,所以我们才要 build a station of its own 打造自己的空间站。long-standing是形容词,指 that has existed or lasted for a long time “长期存在的、由来已久的”,比如文中 a long-standing goal 长期目标,再比如 long-standing dispute 长期以来的纠纷,long-standing economic links 长期以来的经贸联系。
China might not need American assistance at this point. Already, China is significantly ahead of Europe, and catching up fast with the US, he said.

读起来振奋人心,没有什么突破是凭空产生的,往往都是走到了山穷水尽的地步,百般无奈之下硬着头皮寻找出路,反而迎来了柳暗花明。实力是被对手逼出来的。穷则思变,居安思危。这段话抓住两个关键词:significantly ahead of...远远领先,catch up fast with...迅速赶上...。表示“领先”,除了用 ahead of,也可以用刚刚讲到的 front,我们把文中句子改写一下:China is significantlyin front ofEurope

China, barred by U.S. law from working with NASA and by extension on the International Space Station (ISS), has spent the past decade developing technologies to build its own.


[*]这句话的主干是:China has spent the past decade developing technologies to build its own. 中国在过去十年一直研发技术以打造自己的空间站。
[*]China 后面跟了一个分词后置定语,对“中国”进行补充:barred by U.S. law from working with NASA and by extension on the International Space Station (ISS)

我们可以先把后置定语还原成定语从句的形式:China, which has been barred by U.S. law from working with NASA and by extension on the International Space Station (ISS)

bar是“禁止”的意思,同ban,prevent,和上文的lock out of表达的是一个意思,可当作一对同义替换积累下来。文中 been barred by U.S. law from working with NASA 很好理解:美国法律禁止中国与 NASA 合作。by extension是个固定搭配,英文解释是:taking the argument or situation one stage further 将论点或情况更进一步,可翻译成“再则、自然地、当然地”,看两个例句,体会一下它的含义和用法:
The blame lies with the teachers and, by extension, with the Education Service. 应受指责的是教师,再则就是教育机构。
My primary responsibility is to the pupils, and by extension to the teachers and parents.我主要是对学生负责,当然也对教师和家长负责。文中 by extension (working) on the International Space Station 的意思是,进而无法就国际空间站项目进行合作、进而无法登上国际空间站。


语言点:“宇航员”的三种说法:astronaut, cosmonaut, taikonaut发射:国家/政府 launch,火箭/宇航员 blast/lift off.orbit 影响范围,势力范围载人任务 crewed mission领先 be ahead of, be in front of迅速赶超 catch up fast with
长期的 long-standing内容点:外媒对此次太空任务的评价:a major steprapidly becoming one of the world's most advancedadvanced rapidly, on all major fronts, from a pretty low base as recently as the 1990ssucceeded on the first triesChina might not need American assistance at this point.significantly ahead of Europe, and catching up fast with the US中国打造自己空间站的原因:Chinese astronauts have long been locked out of the International Space Stationbarred by U.S. law from working with NASA and by extension on the International Space Station (ISS)

Kimi 发表于 2023-10-27 08:51:29


东来西往 发表于 2023-10-27 08:52:09


wangbo821 发表于 2023-10-27 08:52:18


o0runner 发表于 2023-10-27 08:52:39

那个德国人说,“I'll join you soon in space”?

贝壳 发表于 2023-10-27 08:52:46


wlzt 发表于 2023-10-27 08:53:18


西域·骆驼 发表于 2023-10-27 08:54:04


xbj 发表于 2023-10-27 08:54:49


woaiyan 发表于 2023-10-27 08:55:04

答主这种作派有点象韩国人,中国叫汉城韩国还要中国改。英文叫Astronante 有什么不可以的。太小气了。
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查看完整版本: 神舟十三号成功发射,外媒怎么报道?