ymabianzi 发表于 2024-9-21 07:17:13


l.How does “Danxia” landform form in Shaoguan?
Geological studies show that, twentyfive million years ago, this place was a vast expanse of alow-ying lake. Later, movements of the earth 's cr st made it rise above the ground and the water recededaway, thus tuming it into a mountain and the fom er sediment at the bottom of the lake gracually oxidizedand became red rocks.
2. Who named such kind ofred-rock land configuration Danxia Land-form?
In the 1930s, rofessor Chen Guoda af the Sun Yat-sen University made an intensive investigalion andstudy of the geomorphic features of the Danxia Moun tain and other red ock mountains in Souh China. Heden om in ated this kind of red-rock land configuration the "Danx ia Landform", which was soon approved anduniversally adopted by the academic circles, thus making he mountain's name Danxia a nom enclature ofgeology.
二十世纪 30 年代,中山大学教授陈国达对丹霞山及华南地区的红石山地作了深入的研究之后,将这一类红色砂石的地貌命名为“丹霞地貌”,并很快被学术界接受并采用:此后世界上凡是由红色砂砾岩构成、以赤壁丹崖为特征的地貌均被称为丹霞地貌。
3. Why is the sight of the rocks beyond the Jinjiang River mamed "The Elephant Crossing theRiver?"
Those rocks appear to be a herd of elephants wading across the river and comingup to us. Their trunks.tu sks, ears and eyes are all lifelike. $o, this sight is named “The Elephants Crossing the River"
4. Why is the sight at the hill looking from the Yangyuan Bridge to your right in the distancenamed “the beautiful girlblocking the river”?
Please look to your right at the hill in the distance. It looks as if a young gir is lying down to slecp:From right to left, the outlines of her head, her neck, her chest and her belly are all clearly discemible. Sothis sight is called "The Sleeping Bele" or "The Beautiful Gir Blocking the River"
5. Please say something about the Yangyuan Hill on the Danxia Mountain?This hill is called Yangyuan Hill, meaning "The Hill of Male Sex". lt is so named because the stonecolumn here is the very image of man's extemal genitals, According to geological shudies, this stone columnwas a part of the cliff and it is over three hun dred thou sand years since Mlother Nature severed it from hemountain body and carved it into this shape. In the old days, men were regarded as superior to women andpeople often prayed for having more sons to cary on their family name: therefore, this stone column washighly worshiped by the pilgrims.
5.请说说韶关丹霞山上的阳元山?这座山叫阳元山,即“雄性之山"。这根石柱叫阳元石,高 28 米,直径7米,酷似男根:阳元山因此得名。据专家考证,阳元石原为山体石壁的一部分,大自然的鬼斧神工把它从山体中分离出来并雕琢成这个样子,至今已有 30万年了。旧时人们都祈求家族男丁兴旺、子孙绵延,所以此石常受人膜拜。
6. What titles have been honor ed to Kaiping Diaolou?
Kaiping Diaolou has been hailed as "a Typical Works of the Overseas Chinese Culure", and theWorld Architectural Art vuseum", which is listed by he Chinese State Council as a key cultural relicprotected by the state. Its total number amounted to 3 ,300 in the peak years and now the registered numbeiare 1833, and twenty of the better ones are inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO
开平碉楼被誉为“华侨文化的典范之作”、“世界建筑艺术博物馆”。是国务院公布的国家重点文物保护单位。开平碉楼在鼎盛时期达3300 多座。目前,登记在册的有 1833 座。开平碉楼是国务院公布的国家重点文物保护单位。而较好的二十座被列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录。

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